Masks don't work and we must Fix the mRNA Problem!

Watch the video to learn that Masks STILL don't work and that we MUST act to stop the growing damage being done by the mRNA Shots


There’s no time for an “I told you so” victory lap. We must deploy EVERY scientific mind, EVERY resource, to finding a “fix” — disabling the mRNA, removing spike protein, mitigating damage. It’s all hands on deck!

Dr. Kelly Victory


Congress MUST DEMAND that the CDC STOP PUSHING the DANGEROUS Covid mRNA "Shots" NOW!


POINT: There’s no evidence that masks work - Studies Show!


After Four Shots Covid mRNA shots sharpley REDUCE Immune Function

by Alex Berenson, January 19th

Mice who received more than four Covid vaccine jabs had a collapse in their ability to fight the coronavirus, Chinese researchers have found.

The damage extended past antibodies, the immune system’s front line of defense against viruses and bacteria, to the T-cells that form the crucial backup.

The researchers reported the finding in a peer-reviewed paper published December 22 in the journal iScience. In surprisingly clear language, they warned:

Our findings demonstrate potential risks with the continuous use of SARS-CoV-2 vaccine boosters, providing immediate implications[emphasis added] for the global COVID-19 vaccination enhancement strategies.

Later in the paper, the researchers were even more direct: 

We found that the protective effects from the humoral immunity and cellular immunity established by the conventional immunization were both profoundly impaired during the extended vaccination course.

The finding has not been confirmed in humans.

But the mice the researchers used are genetically altered to model accurately the human response to the coronavirus and have “been shown to share profound similarities [emphasis added] with humans in response to SARS-CoV-2 infections,” as the paper explains.

The scientists used a vaccine that has a different mechanism of basic action than the mRNA jabs from Pfizer and Moderna, which turn our own cells into spike protein factories. But like them, the Chinese-tested vaccine causes the immune system to focus on a specific part of the coronavirus spike protein to the near-exclusion of other responses.

The finding may help to explain why large epidemiological studies keep finding that people who have received multiple boosters are at higher risk for Omicron infection than unvaccinated people.

(Highlights: Extended immunizations destroy the immune system’s ability to fight the coronavirus)

A second paper confirms the mRNA shots cause recipients to make less effective antibodies to the coronavirus over time

by Alex Berenson, January 16, 2023

People who have received the mRNA Covid jabs from Pfizer and Moderna have an increasingly unusual immune system response after the second shot, German researchers have found.

The new finding confirms and expands a report in December from other German researchers, who found a similar trend in people who had received a booster shot. It was published Thursday in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Immunology.

Much work needs to be done to understand the impact of these findings. But they may help explain the apparently endless waves of Covid highly mRNA jabbed countries are facing, as well as the fact that mRNA boosters now appear to raise the risk of Covid infection. 

Intriguingly, the new piece lists as its editor Shikha Shrivastava, a “senior scientist” at Pfizer - evidence that Pfizer has known of this potential issue for several months at a minimum. The researchers submitted the piece to Frontiers in Immunology in mid-August.

A federal database offers more evidence the mRNA Covid jabs may have serious cardiovascular risks

Alex Berenson 

Pfizer’s bivalent Covid booster raised the risk of stroke for people over 65, according to a federal database that the government considers the gold standard for tracking vaccine side effects.

The Centers for Disease Control said Friday afternoon it had received 130 reports of ischemic stroke in people over 65 who had received the new Pfizer jab less than three weeks before. An ischemic stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks the flow of oxygen to the brain.

The CDC and vaccine advocates in the media immediately downplayed the potential importance of the finding. But it is only the latest to suggest the mRNA shots have serious cardiovascular risks that may increase with repeated dosing.

17 percent of teenagers had heart symptoms after their second Pfizer mRNA jab, a new peer-reviewed paper show

Alex Berenson -

Researchers in Taiwan have added to the increasingly negative picture of the impact the mRNA Covid vaccines have on the hearts of young men.

The researchers conducted electrocardiograms (ECGs), which measure the heart rhythm, on 4,928 high schoolers in Taipei City, the capital of Taiwan, before and after their second Pfizer shot. Over 90 percent of the students were male.

They found 51 students had significant changes in their ECGs after the second Pfizer jab. One of those was diagnosed with myocarditis, and four more had “significant” heart rhythm disturbances. Those included a student with premature ventricular contractions, which can raise the risk of sudden cardiac death.


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