Senator Johnson Testimony about Weaponization

Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson shredded federal agencies and the corporate media for working with Democratic operatives to promote “left-wing ideology” in the past several years.

by Nicole Silverio,, February 10, 2023

Johnson criticized agencies for allegedly covering for left-wing politicians while simultaneously targeting former President Donald Trump and other conservatives in the years following the 2016 presidential election. He accused the media of complying with the FBI in investigating the now-discredited allegations that Russia colluded with the 2016 Trump campaign and covering up the Hunter Biden laptop story.

“It is important to recognize corrupt individuals within federal agencies that I am talking about are not acting alone. They operate as vital partners of the left-wing political movement and includes most members of the mainstream media, Big Tech, social media giants, global institutions and foundations, Democrat Party operatives and elected officials. As the Twitter Files reveal, these actors worked in concert to defeat their political opponents and promote left-wing ideology and government control over our lives.”

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The senator accused the FBI of displaying a double standard between its treatment of former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Trump. He criticized former FBI director James Comey for “exonerating” Clinton, whose emails were under investigation for discussing foreign affairs on her private servers when she served as an Obama-era secretary of state.

The FBI launched an investigation into accusations that Russia colluded with the 2016 Trump campaign to interfere in the results. Johnson said he and Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley disclosed “highly partisan” text messages between FBI employees Peter Strzok and Lisa Page regarding the matter, which found that the FBI used a post-election briefing to gather intelligence information on the Trump team. (RELATED: Witnesses Admit To Sen. Johnson That Twitter Has Power To Influence Elections Following Hunter Biden Coverup)

He then accused the corporate media of complying with federal agencies by reporting “false information” about Russiagate, and pointed to alleged left-wing allies within the FBI.

“Who might those leakers be? Why aren’t reporters who received the leaks outraged at being fed false information? And why haven’t they blown the whistle on the leakers? Why didn’t the mainstream media robustly investigate how they were all duped? The answer is, they weren’t duped. They were complicit in creating and fostering the political turmoil our country has been experiencing over the last six years. Those leaks were a key ingredient in the most destructive political dirty trick in U.S. history. The creation and promotion of the false Russia-Trump collusion narrative.”

The Wisconsin senator pointed to the communication between the House Intelligence Committee and a whistleblower during the Democrat-led impeachment of Trump in 2018. Democratic California Rep. Adam Schiff denied during the first impeachment hearing that he knew the identity of the whistleblower or that he had personally met him. However, the whistleblower met with an unidentified Schiff aide before filing a complaint against Trump with the Intelligence Community Inspector General.

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Johnson said federal agencies and Congress have a duty to investigate the misleading claims made by Schiff during the impeachment hearings.

He then turned to the Hunter Biden laptop story and his business dealings in Ukraine following the abandonment of his computer in a Delaware repair shop. He accused agencies’ efforts, particularly the FBI, to coverup the laptop story and pass it off as “Russian disinformation.”

A whistleblower disclosed to Grassley that the FBI was downplaying Biden’s reported “criminal financial and related activity” in Ukraine and China prior to the 2020 presidential election. Former FBI agent Timothy Thibault allegedly “ordered closed” an “avenue of additional derogatory Hunter Biden reporting.”


Sen Johnson House Testimony by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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