Help us Build an Ohio TEA Party Radio Network


We Reached our Goal of $80,000!
We can Now Fund and Build our
2020 Radio Nework & Podcast


If you think Donald Trump is just going to be re-elected – Think Again!

In 2016, the Ohio TEA Party used Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and the general media, to get its conservative, pro-Trump message out to Ohio Voters. That is how Trump was elected President. That’s not our opinion, the left spelled that out specifically in this confidential post-election report in May of 2017.

You will read in that report that their plan is to “disarm right-wing misinformation” by making it impossible for conservatives to use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google or be featured accurately in “traditional” newspapers and news channels. Their plan is to silence YOU and US and they are doing it!  Everyday, you read about conservatives being “banned” by Facebook, thrown off of YouTube and “shadow banned” on Twitter.

The bottom line is that the left does not intend to defeat us in the marketplace of ideas, because they can’t ! They intend to make sure that no one in Ohio hears our conservative ideas or knows about the incredible success of the Trump Presidency!

Read this story proving that we will be cut off from social media in 2020:

Based on this reality, we must develop new methods of communications for the 2020 election. Furthermore, we must be able to talk to people outside of our “silo” by not just “preaching to the choir” using our web pages and email blasts. We must have a communications method that can potentially reach everyone in the state of Ohio.

In our opinion, the best way to do that is to create a statewide conservative radio network, where every week, in every part of the state of Ohio, the public can get “real” news about what is going on in the world, our nation and our state. They can then take action to elect those candidates who will protect and defend our individual freedom and liberty and our beloved Constitution. To win in 2020 we MUST be able to message our fellow conservative citizens with the truth, on a consistent basis, in a world where the rest of the media is just putting out socialist/Democrat propaganda and outright lies.


We raised $80,000  in small amounts from a wide base of over supporters like you, not from one or two large donors, because pressure can be brought to bear on those large donors by the left and the political establishment of both parties to get them to defund our network. They can’t pressure thousands of you and if they can’t pressure you, they can’t pressure us.

Thanks to all of YOU who have donated to help fund and build our statewide weekly radio network!  I want to thank the over 500 individuals and groups who have donated. The Left is DESPERATE to stop us and the ONLY way they can win is to SILENCE US! NOW WE WILL NOT BE SILENCED IN 2020!

For Liberty,
Tom Zawistowski
We the People Convention


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