Poll Shows Trump-DeSantis Ticket Wins the Popular Vote


For Release: Wednesday, May 3, 2023
Contact: Tom Zawistowski, TomZ@WethePeopleConvention.org,




Akron, OH: Today, Tom Zawistowski, President of the National We the People Convention (WTPC) organization, expressed the strong support of his organization’s 100,000 members for a Unity Ticket of Donald J. Trump for President and Ronald D. DeSantis for Vice-President in the 2024 Presidential Election based on the results of the just completed national Rasmussen Poll and other considerations. The Rasmussen Poll showed that a Trump/DeSantis ticket would defeat a Biden/Harris ticket by a margin of 51% to 43%, winning the popular vote, if the election were held today. This is a significant increase in the margin of victory over any previous polling showing results for Trump vs Biden or DeSantis vs Biden. The Rasmussen Poll was commissioned by the Constitutional Rights PAC, with support from the We the People Convention, and was conducted by telephone on April 27- May 2, 2023 with 1,050 likely voters and has a 3% margin of error and a 95% level of confidence.

Read: DeSantis Formally Announces Run for President

Zawistowski said, “The results of the Rasmussen poll should speak loudly to Donald Trump and to Ron DeSantis and to every American who loves Liberty and is determined to win the elections in 2024 to restore our Constitution, The Rule of Law, and America’s values! The polling results show that a Trump/DeSantis Unity Ticket not only brings together Republican voters who may support one or the other, but also brings 5% more Independent voters, 4% more men, and increases in support among every age group and every ethnicity by between 2% and 4%. It is clearly THE winning combination that the majority of Americans want for 2024. Stated bluntly, if Trump and DeSantis want to win in 2024, and more importantly keep the White House for 12 years, they MUST listen to We the People and announce a Unity Ticket.” 

(Click the Image or Click Here to Download our Full Page Ad that will run in the Miami Herald on Monday 5/22/23 making the Case for a Trump/DeSantis Unity Ticket!)

Zawistowski continued by saying, “I will go as far as to say that, based upon this poll and other considerations, all Republican candidates should get behind the Trump/DeSantis Unity Ticket if they really want to save America from the Communist Left. Furthermore, I would ask that Trump and DeSantis spend the next 18 months working with the Heritage Foundation, and the 50 other conservative groups who are behind the Project 2025 effort (Project2025.org), to recruit and train all 4,100 Federal Government officials who must be appointed by a newly elected President PRIOR to the 2024 election. The goal is to vet and train everyone who is going to serve in a Trump/DeSantis administration in each agency of the Executive Branch and decide before the election what the plan is for each agency once the Unity Ticket is elected.”

Zawistowski further explained that, “We would like to see DeSantis spend his time over the next 18 months working to recruit Make America Great Again (MAGA) US House and Senate Candidates for 2024, and then working in those states to get them elected. That will enable Trump and DeSantis, once in office, to quickly pass critical legislation to support their policies instead of being limited to Executive Orders. So when we say that We the People support a “Unity Ticket” we are talking about something much broader and deeper than anything ever seen in American politics. Certainly on the conservative side. The Constitutional Crisis we are experiencing in our nation today requires such extraordinary measures.”

America 101: Can the president and vice president be from the same state? Yes!

Zawistowski concluded by saying, “In order to further encourage Trump and DeSantis to join forces, we encourage citizens to go to the WewantDonRon.com webpage and sign the petition and donate to show them that We the People would get behind this Unity Ticket in a big way. We also encourage citizens to message Trump and DeSantis on Truth Social, Twitter and other social media platforms and urge them to listen to the “Will of the People” and join forces to lead us to victory in 2024.”

The poll surveyed 48% men and 52% women. It included 32% in the 18-39 age group, 46% in the 40-64 age group, and 22% in the 65+ age group. Respondents were 67% white, 13% black, and 20% Hispanic and other. They identified as 36% Democrat, 33% Republican, and 31% Independent.

Call DeSantis at 850-717-9337 and Tell Him to Run with Trump!

Write to Trump by Clicking HERE and Tell him to Run with DeSantis!

Donate to the We the People Convention!

Learn More about Project2025.Org Here!



Trump-DeSantis Poll by Tom Zawistowski is licensed under

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